Emergency personnel are expected to plan for things no one has ever considered. They do a remarkable job in trying to account for the needs of the whole community and presently, more attention than ever is being paid to emergency response related to people with disabilities and the elderly. There continues to be a national push to improve disaster response for all people and the sites below will help anyone involved in emergency planning. Government agencies, office managers and neighborhood planners can learn about many simple and highly effective ways to include all people in disaster response plans, and greatly reduce the impact on all people.
Disaster Resources for People with Disabilities and Emergency Managers
This site contains information about assisting people with disabilities in a disaster and how to plan for a disaster if you have a disability.
Tips For First Responders
This guide contains quick, easy-to-read information for first responders and other emergency personnel on how to assist seniors and persons with a wide range of disabilities during an emergency.
Inclusive Preparedness Center
The Inclusive Preparedness Center has resources to help managers, planners, and responders ensure that everyone in the community is considered when creating an emergency plan.
Center on Accessible Society
The Center on Accessible Society has several articles related to the effects of disasters on people with disabilities. Included in this article are seven principles to consider in disaster relief planning. There is information on how to ensure the inclusion of all people in local emergency response plans.
Disaster Safety People with Disabilities
This site provides information to prepare in case disaster strikes. This is important for people with disabilities who may require special equipment and preprations ahead of time.
Accessible Emergency Information
On this website are videos with ASL interpreters advising how to prepare for 18 topics. The videos also have an audible voice over and text appearing alongside the interpreter. Along with the videos is the Emergency Preparedness Guide formatted in Braille, large print, and regular font for download.