Emergency Shelters
Whether you live in an apartment, a house, or any other residence, it is important that you plan ahead for a disaster. Although local government agencies will respond after a disaster, if you are prepared, you will be able to respond and recover more quickly. The links below will help you organize, plan, and prepare your home and family in case a disaster strikes.
Red Cross
The Red Cross is a national organization that has responded to disasters and emergencies around the world for decades. Go to their website and access a handbook that will guide you in creating your own personal disaster plan. This handbook is geared specifically for people with disabilities.
Preparedness for Seniors and People with Access and Functional Needs
This Red Cross page contains emergency planning tips for specific disabilities including people with mobility limitations, elderly, people with chemical sensitivities, and people with cognitive disabilities.
Disaster Education, Preparedness, Planning and Mitigation Library
This Red Cross site provides access to a library of disaster education, emergency preparedness and mitigation, as well as documents to help you understand, prepare for, and survive a disaster. Not all of the documents are related to disability and seniors, but scrolling down through the list you will find several related articles that provide useful information.
Evacuation Preparedness Guide
This handbook was developed by the Center for Disability Issues and the Health Profession. It discusses evacuation planning issues for people with disabilities. It emphasizes the need for people with disabilities to take responsibility for their own emergency needs, and provides information on how to go about doing this.
Emergency Planning Handbook for People with Disabilities
Los Angeles County has published this extensive emergency planning handbook specifically for people with disabilities. There are sections related to different disabilities, and most of the suggestions are useful no matter where you live.
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Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
The FEMA library contains this article providing emergency planning tips for people with disabilities.
Assisting People with Disabilities in a Disaster
If you know someone with a disability or a senior who would need assistance in case of an emergency situation, you may be able to help them reduce or even avoid the impact of a disaster. This site has some helpful suggestions and considerations on how you can help.
Family Disaster Plan
This site has information on the four basic steps in developing a family disaster plan. There are suggestions on what to tell your children, and a section for family members with disabilities. The information will help you get organized and determine your emergency plans and needs.
Emergency Planning and Disaster Supplies
The Outdoor Lodge has links and general tips for disaster preparation and planning. The site provides suggestions on how to plan for people with special needs.
Disaster Preparedness Checklist
The Epicenter has posted several checklists that will help you with emergency planning in your home, office, or car.
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Emergency Shelters
Emergency shelters provide the basic necessities for individuals and families in immediate crisis. Some shelters are for victims of domestic violence while others are for individuals who have been left homeless by a natural disaster.