Non Medical Home Care for seniors and disabled in their home. Caregivers help with lihgt housekepping, errands/grocery shopping, meal preparation, medication reminders, doctor's appointments, and personal cares (bathing, toileting, transfers, dressing, etc.) to help maintain independence in their homes. Toll free in state: (877) 276-7039, Fax: (920) 568-1055, Main: (920) 568-1051 Other: Affordable: Y $25-$27/hr for 3 hours and over and $30-$32/hr for under 3 hours - fee based on services provided (rates subject to change). Service Categories: Companionship, personal cares, med reminders, meal prep, housekeeping, dr. appointments, and shopping.
Service Categories: Caregiver Support Programs, Community, Food, Health Care/Concerns, Home Care, Homemaker, Chore Assistance, Homemaker, Chore Assistance, Housing, Older Adults, Personal Care, Personal Care, Pharmacies, Respite, Transportation, Volunteer