Family Care is a state program that can purchase goods and services to meet one's long-term care needs at home or in a residential facility.
Many older people or adults with disabilities need help completing activities of daily living and caring for their health. Family Care allows services to be tailored to a person's needs, circumstances and preferences. The program coordinates services to maintain a member's health and quality of life. Managed Care Organizations (MCO's) coordinate and deliver Family Care services.
These are the current MCO's available for people living in Ozaukee County are Care Wisconsin, Community Care, Inc. and MCDFC. Ozaukee County residents age 18 or over who have long-term care needs because of age, illness, or disability. Certain functional and financial criteria apply.
If the individual chooses Family Care or IRIS, the Aging and Disability Resource Center will assist with enrolling the person in the chosen program.