Support group dedicated to assisting people who have or will have intestinal or urinary tract diversions. Group is open to ostomates, professionals and other interested parties. Newsletters and list of resources available.
We meet the third Tuesday of the “even-numbered” months (February, April, June, August, and October) at:
(300 S. Adams Street, Green Bay, WI)
6:00 to 6:30 P.M. – Social time and refreshments
6:30 P.M. – Short business meeting and educational program, which usually consists of a speaker. Sometimes a ‘rap’ session will follow.
(In December we have a Holiday Party at a local supper club.)
Pre-op and post-op visits to hospitals, nursing homes, rehab centers or patients' homes, made by trained and certified members of the support group who have had similar surgeries. Referrals must be processed through the Ostomy Visitor Coordinator--Kathy Ray (920) 468-9343, who then matches a visitor to the patient. Hospital visits made only with written orders by attending physician or surgeon. Home visits made with referrals by anyone and need not have a doctor's OK. Visitors are available for those who have or are facing standard ostomies, continent procedures and for their spouses. Visitors do not offer medical advice.