Non-emergency medical transportation for disabled and/or special needs transportation. Demand response. (door-to-door) in some WI counties and Iowa City, IA and Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
If you can't travel safely in a car, bus or taxi and you need an SMV to take you to a WI Medicaid-covered medical appointment:
--Ask your primary health care provider to fill out & sign a certificate that says you need SMV transportation
--Call your HMO (if you're enrolled in one) to arrange for your ride
--Call an MV transportation provider listed in the phone book (if you're not in HMO) to arrange your ride. Make sure you ask your SMV provider if they take WI Medicaid recipients
--Give a copy of your SMV certificate to your SMV driver before your ride. If you need to go a long distance to medical appointment, your primary health provider may need to get permission from WI Medicaid before your trip. Ask your HMO transportation coordinator or your SMB provider if you are unsure about needing a prescription.
Wis. Medicaid pays SMV providers to take recipients with disabilities, like people who are in wheelchairs, to Wis. Medicaid-covered medical appointments.
Payment accepted:
*Private pay based on individual trip parameters, quoted by Doug. Will work with people on long trips.