Unified Community Services
1122 Professional Dr
Dodgeville, WI 53533
The Family Support Program recognizes that meeting the needs of children who have severe disabilities may cause families emotional, physical and financial hardship. The Program provides goods and services to help families meet the needs of severely disabled children. A child living at home who is severely disabled and under the age of 21 is eligible. A "severe disability" is a physical, mental or emotional limitation that seriously restricts the child's ability to carry out basic daily living activities. Because of limited funding there may be a waiting list. The Program encourages families to apply despite the waiting list. Some families may have a cost share based on their annual income. The Program offers information & help in finding programs & resources, limited funding to buy needed goods & services, and help in linking families with other families to strengthen natural supports. Examples of purchases are: *Specialized equipment *Specialized day care & camps
*Architectural or vehicle modifications * Parent Education *Respite Care.
Main: (608) 935-2776
Service Categories
Automobile Related Services, Developmental Disabilities, Home- Security, Safety, Accessibility, Recreation, Respite