The Foster Grandparent Program is a national program that enables limited-income persons age 55 or over to provide tutoring and/or mentoring for children who have exceptional, special needs, at risk or challenged to keep pace with classroom peers. The "grandchildren" may be educationally challenged, emotionally or physically abused, or negelected. After training, foster grandparents work under professional supervision in educational settings, family enhancement programs, Head Start programs, not-for-profit day care centers & special institutions in Grant, Green, Iowa, Lafayette, Richland, or Southern Crawford. Participants volunteer 15-40 hours per week & receive a modest, tax-free hourly stipend.
55+ years
Willing to volunteer a minimum of 15hrs/week during school year ( may up to 40/wk)
Your income is at or below 200% of the poverty level, plus 50% for medical expenses. Request an application form SW CAP at
Want to learn more about being a volunteer or a host site? Contact the Foster Grandparent Program at Southwestern Wisconsin Community Action Program at 149 North Iowa Street, Dodgeville, WI 53533, call 1-800-704-8555