Finding support along the journey
Gilda's Club provides a broad range of services to support those living with cancer. Members include adults and children; those who have a diagnosis of cancer, their loved ones, friends, and co-workers; survivors of cancer and family survivors.
Gilda's Club offers:
•Networking and support groups all of which are facilitated by a licensed mental health professional
•Educational seminars and lectures featuring a variety of local experts regarding topics such as what to eat during treatment; legal issues, advances in cancer treatment, relaxation techniques, and many other useful programs
•Lifestyle support including nutrition, therapeutic art, exercise, yoga, stress management
•Social activities include potlucks, family groups, and game nights
Membership at Gilda’s Club is for anyone touched by cancer. We’re open to women and men, children and teens, and any type of cancer. Membership is FREE. The first step is to attend a New Member Meeting – which includes a tour of the Clubhouse and a detailed explanation of our innovative program.
It all takes about 90 minutes. Check out the Monthly Program Calendar at to find out when the next New Member Meeting that fits into your schedule.
Call (608) 828-8880 or email [email protected] which New Member Meeting you will be attending. At the meeting you will learn the philosophy and program. If those meetings are not convenient for you, please contact us, we can schedule a private meeting.