The Friends Thanksgiving Dinner is an annual FREE, serving traditional fare for all who would be alone or hungry on Thanksgiving. The sit-down meal is prepared by the First Presbyterian Church youth fellowship and served at the church, no reservations needed (or taken). Take-out meals are delivered to those who are unable to attend. Those who are alone on Thanksgiving, unable to buy and prepare food themselves, or merely want to enjoy a community meal. No eligibility questions are asked.
2020 and 2021 have been years of adjusting to ways of helping one-another stay safe during a pandemic. But even with challenges of a pandemic, the annual Friends Dinner will take place once again this year! As in 2020, we will be providing meals directly to homes through delivery!
This is the 52nd year of the Friends Dinner!.
Despite the pandemic, we will still need volunteers for this event and we will ensure safety protocols are taken. We also need delivery help as meals are delivered to homes and senior living centers. We also need clean-up crew assistance.
In light of the virus, we will not be taking donations of food this year, but monetary donations to enable this meal to take place are greatly appreciated.