- Provider - ECHO, Inc

Provider Details


Address: (See Map)

65 S High Street
Janesville, WI 53548

Mailing Address

65 S High Street
Janesville, WI 53548

Contact Information:

Phone: (608) 754-5333
Fax: (608) 754-9199
Website: http://www.echojanesville.org/
Email: [email protected]


ECHO is a charity organization called upon to help meet temporary housing, food, transportation and other emergency needs for low-income families.

ECHO seeks to help people help themselves through its programs and services, not readily available through other sources, and to assist them in utilizing other existing services and programs in the community. It does not impose any theological or political value system upon those served. Requests for assistance may be made at the ECHO Office.

ECHO provides assistance to Janesville residents of low income for whom no other source of help is available. Types of assistance include food orders, emergency rent assistance, gas & bus vouchers, holiday food baskets and toys and other various services. ECHO can also provide vouchers for emergency lodging and meals.

Food Pantry hours: Monday-Friday 9am - 11am

Senior Stockbox Program - is a free box of food provided to ECHO by the Hunger Task Force. The sign up and pick up stockboxes at the ECHO office Monday-Thursday 1-3pm. The boxes contain approximately 35lbs of food. Items are usually staples, such as: juice, milk, cereal, meats, vegetables, and rice. Seniors are eligible to pick up one stockbox per month. For questions, please call Marge at 754-5333 Monday-Thursday 1-3pm. Must be 60 or older.

For information on income requirements and other locations to get stockboxes, please follow this link: https://www.hungertaskforce.org/what-we-do/food-bank/help-seniors/

Free Community Meals are sponsored at the following locations:
First Congregational Church (54 S. Jackson) holds a free community meal at 4pm on the 1st Saturday of each month.

Midwest Christian Center (336 N. Jackson) holds a free community meal at 4pm on the 2nd Saturday of each month.

Cargill United Methodist (300 Wesley Ave.) holds a free community meal at 4pm on the 3rd Saturday of each month.

St. John Lutheran at noon on the last Saturday of each month. The address is 302 N. Parker Dr.

Rental assistance program:
ECHO receives some government grant funding to assist with rent payments for residents of Rock County. Rent assistance is available in emergency situations only. You must have proof of how you got behind and/or why you need assistance. This program can pay up to one month’s rent. If you do not qualify for the government grants, we can sometimes use donated funds to pay your rent. Donated funds run out quickly, so we cannot guarantee assistance. You must prove that you can afford your place after ECHO helps and afford any remaining balance that ECHO can’t pay.

ECHO does help with Security Deposits, instead of rent, for those on Section 8 or in other subsidized housing programs. To start this process, please call 754-5333 or stop by during our open hours. The areas served by the rental assistance program are Janesville, Orfordville, Footville and Afton.

ECHO is closed for the lunch hour Monday - Thursday from 12 -1.

Service Categories

Charities/Grantmaking Organizations, Donations, Emergency Services, Emergency Services, Food, Food, Food, Transportation

Geographic Areas Served

  • Cities Janesville
  • Counties Rock

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 9:00 AM-4:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM-4:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM-4:00 PM
  • Thursday: 9:00 AM-4:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM-12:00 PM


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Last Update Date: 04/06/2022

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