Job Access Loans are short-term, no interest loans designed to assist eligible individuals to meet emergency needs that support obtaining or maintaining employment.
Wisconsin Works (W-2) eligible individuals must apply through a Financial and Employment Planner (FEP) and develop an acceptable loan repayment plan. Job Access Loans typically are to be repaid within a 12-month period, but may be extended up to maximum of 24 months in individual circumstances. Job Access Loan monthly repayments can be made in two ways: in cash or through a combination of cash and volunteer community service.
Job Access Loan uses might include, but are not limited to, the following:
*Assistance in paying for car repairs necessary for obtaining or maintaining employment.
*Car Loans enabling participants to access transportation to work.
*Required employment clothing/uniforms or equipment expenses.
*Rent or security deposits, if related to employment (relocation, etc.)
*Moving expenses to a new area for obtaining or maintaining employment.
The W-2 agency determines eligibility for Job Access Loans and administers the issuance and repayment of the loans. For participants who have been approved to partially repay the loan through volunteer community service, the W-2 agency will also monitor and verify the community service.
Most individuals meeting W-2 agency requirements are potentially eligible for Job Access Loans. Minor teen parents must meet special requirements to receive a Job Access Loan. To qualify for a loan, the individual will be required to verify that they cannot reasonably obtain payment for the specific items through any other source.