Healthfirst clinics provide low-cost reproductive health services to men and women of all ages. Our expert staff provides comprehensive and confidential services to all clients to ensure the health of you, your family, and your community.
Pap Smears
Vaginal Checks
Urinary Tract Infection Testing and Treatment
Yeast Infection Testing and Treatment
Pregnancy Testing
Sexually Transmitted Infection Testing
Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment
Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARCS)
Emergency Contraceptives
Health Education
Preventative health:
Eating healthy, exercising regularly, avoiding tobacco, and receiving preventive services such as cancer screenings, annual preventive visits and vaccinations are just a few examples of ways people can stay healthy. The right preventive care at every stage of life helps all Americans stay healthy, avoid or delay the onset of disease, keep diseases they already have from becoming worse or debilitating, and lead productive lives. Healthfirst believes prevention is key to a healthy life.
Annual Exams
Testicular Exams
Pelvic Exams
Clinical Breast Exam
HPV Vaccine
Health Education