Paratransit is an alternative to the fixed route system. It is intended for people who cannot be served by the Metro’s fixed route buses due to disabilities.
Paratransit Green Bay Metro Bus
Service is more flexible in terms of scheduling and routing, is offered on a demand/response basis, and is usually provided by low capacity vehicles, such as vans or small buses.
Start-to-Finish / Origin-to-Destination
Green Bay Metro’s ADA Paratransit service is origin-to-destination transportation for people with disabilities who have been certified as unable to use Metro’s fixed route service for some or all trips. Green Bay Metro currently contracts with a private company to provide Paratransit services.
Obtain a ADA Paratransit Eligibility Form. Or, if you are already certified and wish to schedule or cancel a Paratransit trip, please call 920-448-3185.