FoodShare Wisconsin helps low-income families and individuals to buy nutritious food. If you want to find out if you can get FoodShare benefits, you need to apply with the local county or tribal agency. You can also apply online at Click on the "Apply For Benefits" tool. This tool will let you submit an application to the local county or tribal office. You may also apply with your local agency in person or by telephone.
If you want to see if you may be able to get FoodShare Benefits before you apply, you can use the "Am I Eligible" tool, also at
The FoodShare Program provides persons and families who have little money or savings to buy the food they need for good health. Most grocery stores participate in the program. An eligible individual must: * Be a citizen or eligible alien FoodShare benefits can be used for food and for plants and seeds for home food gardens, but may not be used for alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, pet food, soap or paper products, or any other non-food items.
The Southern Consortium Call Center hours of operation are 8:30am to 4:00pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Thursday hours 11:00am - 4:00pm. Closed on holidays.
Economic Support Case workers will continue to process initial applications, reviews, six-month report forms, and Child Care Authorizations.
Southern Consortium Call Center Contact Information
Serving Crawford, Grant, Green, Iowa, Jefferson, Lafayette and Rock Counties
•Toll Free Phone: 1-888-794-5780
•Central Processing Unit Fax: 1-855-293-1822