FoodShare Wisconsin is a nutrition program designed to ensure that all Wisconsin families have access to the food they need. Individuals may use their Quest Card to purchase such food products as fresh or canned fruit and vegetables, milk, cheese, butter, bread, cereal, meat, rice, pasta, and for plants and seeds to grow food for your household to eat. Individuals interested in FoodShare participation can explore their eligibility and/or apply by visiting the state-sponsored website at: http://access/
ELIGIBILITY: There is no asset limit for the FoodShare program. Income limits apply. Please go to the web site listed to view the Monthly Income limits. If your income meets elegibility requirements, you must also meet any of the following conditions:
1). You are age 60 or older.
2). You cannot purchase and prepare your own meals because:
You are considered by the Social Security Administration to be permanently disabled, or
You have a permanent physical or mental non disease-related disability.
3). The gross monthly income of the persons with whom you and your spouse (if married) live with does not go over 165% of the FPL for the number of others in the household.
FoodShare rules allow deductions of certain basic expenses from monthly income when determining the amount of benefits to which a household is entitled.
Call the Customer Service line to report a lost or stolen card or to get your current balance.
APPLICATIONS may be completed on-line at from any computer with access to the Internet. Computers are available to the public at the Economic Support Division offices at the Coggs Center (1220 W. Vliet St. Room 105) and at the Robles Self Service Center (910 W. Mitchell St between 8 am and 4:30 pm.) A staff person is available to assist you. When applying on-line, please be sure to remember your individual tracking number for future reference. Certain community partners are available to assist with applications; contact the Aging Resource Center at 414-289-6874 for information on their locations and contact info. The Hunger Task Force Senior Benefit Specialist helps older adults apply, including those who are homebound; contact Beth at 588-7132 to request assistance.
SeniorLaw (278-1222) may assist older adults with applications.
To report FoodShare fraud, call 414-289-5799.