Great Rivers 211 provides comprehensive information and referral and crisis intervention telephone services. A comprehensive database of over 4300 health and human service organizations is maintained that focus on areas including basic needs, education, physical and mental health services, supportive services for families, environmental services, and legal services.
I&R Specialists screen callers and provide linkages with needed services. Telephone crisis intervention includes immediate assistance for callers experiencing crisis situations including suicidal, and emergency food, and emergency fuel assistance.
Carrier Alert provides a postal alert program for frail elderly and people with disabilities living alone (serves selected cities including Lacrosse, Onalaska, West Salem, Coon Valley, Stoddard, Holmen, La Crescent, and Caledonia).
Internet access to comprehensive database at the above internet address. Provides skills training and consultation in the following areas: Information and Referral, Crisis Intervention, Human Services Delivery System, Taxonomy of Human Services. Provides 24-hour telephone back-up services for community organizations; I&R Specialists will contact on-call staff, provide linkages, offer crisis intervention and I&R services based on the need of the organization. Provides online search engine with access to entire database of health and human resources organizations. Language line offered for those speaking languages other than English.
Toll free in state: (800) 362-8255
Fax: (608) 775-4766