BLTS(formerly VBTI, Volunteer Braillists, Tapists Inc.) was organized in 1971 for the purpose of transcribing reading material into Braille. The Taping Service was added to the organization in 1981 to provide material on audio cassette tape for dyslexic and visually impaired persons.
A free Braille and tape lending library with 2000 titles including cookbooks, craft books, print/Braille books and leisure reading materials. Brailled and taped textbooks and study material prepared for all educational levels, from kindergarten through graduate school, as requested by individuals, schools and universities. The sale of Brailled material to individuals at less than our production cost.
A Braille transcription course is offered to anyone interested in learning to transcribe print into Braille.
Fees: Lending library is free to Braille books. It costs $0.20 per Braille page for individuals and $1.50 per Braille page for schools or organizations, plus a $3.00 per volume charge. Tapes are $5.00 per tape.
Procedure: Send name, address, phone number and e-mail and indicate type of books to be requested.
Reading material on tape or Brailled. Tape transcription.
Serves US and Canada.
Fax: (608) 233-0249
Main: (608) 233-0222
Search Terms:
Braille & Tactile Aids
Dane County