CS Class Community Based Residential Facilities for a total of 20 persons with specialty programs.
Gilman Phoenix House is a Transitional Recovery Service. It has two wings:
Phoenix I or the Stabilization Wing. It is an 8 bed facility. Phoenix I consists of clients who’s most basic goal is to become stable. We do not require these clients to attend groups. We expect that these clients will need multiple prompts for things like personal hygiene and medication management. There will be at least two Mental Health Technicians managing Phoenix I at all times, making the ratio 4 clients to 1 staff member.
Phoenix II is a 12 bed facility. Once the clients in Phoenix I become a little more stable, they have the opportunity to transition to Phoenix II. There is one staff member on this wing at all times. On Phoenix II, our clients will be asked to attend two out of five daily groups. These clients will require fewer prompts for personal hygiene, chores and medication management. Clients on Phoenix II will have opportunities for community access; we will schedule trips to the movie theater and into the town of Gilman to purchase snacks or have time at the library.