- Provider - Inclusa - Shawano

Provider Details

Inclusa - Shawano

Address: (See Map)

300 E Green Bay Street
Shawano, WI 54166

Contact Information:

Phone: (877) 622-6700
Website: https://www.inclusa.org/


Inclusa is one of several managed care organizations that offers Family Care, a state Medicaid-funded long-term care program designed to help frail elders and adults with disabilities connect to the supports and services they need to thrive in the communities they call home. The organization currently serves over 15,000 Wisconsinites in 62 counties.

Inclusa had been previously known as Community Link

Service Categories

Managed Care Organizations - Health

Geographic Areas Served

  • Counties Shawano Oconto Menomonee

Hours of Operation

  • : hours by appointment only


This organization has no sites

Organization Products and Services
This organzation has not listed any products or services.

Last Update Date: 08/27/2021

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