Frederick Place is a 16-bed emergency, temporary shelter for families, women and men who are experiencing homelessness. It is operated by The Northwoods Alliance for Temporary Housing Inc. (NATH), which is a not-for-profit corporation. Frederick Place is committed to ending and preventing homelessness. Along with NATH, we exist to provide safe housing and basic needs to families and individuals who are experiencing homelessness, within an atmosphere of encouragement, respect, dignity, and hope; while nurturing and promoting self-sufficiency and independence. Frederick Place opened its doors on January 31, 2011 and has never been empty.
Admission to Frederick Place:
Residents will be admitted on a "first-come - first-served basis", depending on the availability of beds. While many applicants for admission will be referred by human service agencies, faith communities, or government organizations, some will seek admission on their own.
Appointments for admission interviews may be made by calling 715-369-9777.
Individuals/families seeking admission to Frederick Place must meet the State and Federal definition of homelessness and must comply with the federal/state income eligibility requirements. Individuals must be physically able to care for their personal needs and mentally stable in order to live safely in a communal setting. Only one admission in a twelve-month period is permitted.
There is a zero tolerance policy for violent crimes and alcohol and drugs. During the "resident intake process", individuals will be subject to alcohol and drug testing and a criminal background check. Testing will be done at admission and randomly thereafter. Individuals with a conviction for a sexual crime or with a recent conviction of a violent crime will not be admitted.